Guillermo Gonzalez

I am not my own, but belong - body and soul, in life and in death - to my faithful Savior, Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with His precious blood and has delivered me from the tyranny of the devil. He also watches over me in such a way that not a hair can fall from my head without the will of my Father in heaven; in fact, all things must work together for my salvation. Because I belong to him, Christ, by His Holy Spirit, also assures me of eternal life and makes me wholeheartedly willing and ready from now on to live for him. - Heidelberg Catechism (A1, Public Domain)

  It is honestly kind of hard to write an internet summary/overview of who I am as I want to leave most of who I am up to real-life conversations and relationships. I also don’t think a few paragraphs, pictures, or videos on a Web Page or on any social media can do folks justice because people are way more than who they are/how they present themselves online. Nevertheless, here’s my best shot (as of 12/29/23)…

  I am a Christian, first and foremost. I truly want to Love God with my Whole Being and Love Others as Myself – Continually learning and maturing in what that even looks like – all for God’s glory and our enjoyment of Him. I believe we are to Fear God & Keep His Commandments through Jesus Christ. Sadly, as I am still a human sinner, I continually keep/kept trying to find my identity in other things – with one major area previously being online profiles and internet accounts. Even though I have purged quite a few of my main internet accounts and many lesser ones, I have decided to keep the following (the ones actually worth sharing):

  But I do want to stress that all this comes down to are just bits of 1s and 0s. - Also, I am aware that the first paragraph can read kind of weird going from saying my identity is not in my internet accounts or computer-related things to listing them… I kind of wanted to list them here so this website could be a hub; albiet my transition could have been better.

Getting Into Computer Science

  While I don’t really want to add my skills on this personal web page, I am very familiar with various technologies and computer-science-related stuff. I originally started computer things in the summer of 2019 learning Game Development in the Unity Game Engine with the C# Programming Language. I continued that all the way up to early 2023 – And in the summer of 2023, I heavily focused on learning Machine Learning & Data Science with the Python Programming Language possibly to kickstart a career, only to realize I don’t really know what I want to do. I have also done many other things and completed quite a few courses in topics such as Web Development, Video Creation, Social Media, Data Science & Analytics, Machine Learning, Python, Living Well, Computer Science in general, and more. I was even a former 2x Kaggle Expert in the top 1400 for Notebooks and in the top 400 for Discussions (but I deleted my Kaggle account when I learned that I was breaking the terms of service by being underage for contracts and stuff).


  I have a solid grasp of the Python Programming Language and I can learn most software/internet technologies relatively quickly. I am extremely thankful for all the opportunities I have had and all the skills I have been able to gain. Because I am kind of somewhat lazy, here is an only semi-organized list of some of my skills: Computer Literacy, Python Programming, Data Structures & Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence Use, Data Science, Machine Learning, Jupyter Lab, The Pandas Python Library, Game Development (previously Unity w/ C#), Canva, HTML, Markdown, Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Outlook), Typing (80+ WPM), Information Technology, Organization/Optimization, Video Creation & Editing, Cybersecurity Very Basics, Visual Studio Code, YouTube Studio, Conciseness, High-School-Level Math, Problem Solving, Creativity, English, Research, Management (Life & Time) and More…

Major Certificates

Major Web Pages

Games & Simulations (

  1. Color Absorber - Absorb Red, Green, & Blue to Make Colors (Rankings) #Overall Winner
  2. Boundless Space - An Infinite Puzzle Mining Game (Rankings) #1 in Gameplay/Fun
  3. Unity Project Prototypes - 18 Prototypes Ranging from “Tap E Square” to “Mega Simon” to “Snaike”
  4. Conway’s Game of Life - From a Random Starting Setup, LIFE Is Played
  5. UN-DI-G - An Infinite 2.5d Platformer: My First Completed Game
  6. Color Filterer - Interesting & Various Filters Applied to the Live Web Camera
  7. Invisible - A Rage Platformer with an Interesting Mechanic
  8. ACRG - Another Cube Run Game (Pretty Much an Infinite “Cubethon” from Brackey’s Tutorial Series)
  9. dont ? du dev - A Super Boring Semi-Interactive Story (Competition Rankings)
  10. Spear Dodger - Dodge Spears & Collect Fish as a Penguin
  11. Color Correct - Acrade Game Like Dodge the Blocks & Color Switch Combined
  12. Train Simulations - Create Cool Visual Trail Simulations!


Feel free to email me pretty much about anything, I’d enjoy getting in touch.
“Mercy, Peace, and Love be Yours in Abundance” - Jude 1:2 (ESV)